Introducing a new Metavarse called Metarooks

Introducing a new Metavarse called Metarooks

We will provide alternatives to future human habitats according to your needs, and we will develop and operationalize based on a Coherent and purposeful road map.
Metarooks is made up of programmers, architects, urban planners, planners and artists. They are looking for creating a platform for all the people in the world and also they are going to prepare smart and virtual habitats for everyone that they can work and communicate with other people.
Future Habitats Collection is the result of thousands of hand sketches over the past several years that is supposed to create virtual and usable models of them on meta-platforms.
We started our activity on May 13, 2022

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نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

      لینک های مفید : آگهی رایگان , تجهیزات آزمایشگاهی , چادر اسکلتی مسافرتی ضخیم , تانک ازت , نقاشی ساختمان , اتصالات اسپیس فریم , نایلون استخری , لینک شما در اینجا